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Developing stage financial life cycle planning involves increasing savings, potential property purchase, developing a long-term financial plan, establishing retirement accounts, and managing debt effectively. It focuses on building wealth and preparing for future financial needs

Purchasing Property

So you’re ready to take the plunge. When purchasing a property in Switzerland, you should research property values and local market trends. Talk to your bank and understand what your lending capacity looks like. And always consider the additional costs!

Education Fee Planning

Kids are expensive! Planning for their future higher education fees early could save you thousands of Francs in the long run. You should estimate the costs and consider putting in place savings plans that meet the goal. Consider insuring the liability so you know the goal can be met whatever happens to you

Increase Savings Capacity

So you’ve had a promotion or the kids have flown the nest, what do you do with the extra disposable income? Creating a budget and reassessing your saving pattern is essential. Consider topping up your investments and automating savings to ensure the increase is used to build your future and not lost to increased spending.

The Previous Stage – Early Stage

Explore life cycle planning - Developing Stage

The Next Stage – Mature Stage

Explore life cycle planning - Developing Stage

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